An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned every computer on a network (e.g., The Domain Name System (DNS) associates user-friendly domain names (e.g., with the numeric network addresses required to deliver information on the Internet, making the Internet easier for the public to navigate. Domain names are simply the addresses of the Internet.
Because of the increasing popularity of the Internet, companies have realized that having a domain name that is the same as their company name (e.g., or the name of one of their products (e.g. can be an extremely valuable part of establishing an Internet presence.
Getting a domain name involves registering the name you want with an organisation called ICANN through a domain name registrar.
When a company finds that the domain name corresponding to their corporate name or product trademark is owned by someone else, the company can either choose a different name or, in case of misappropriation, fight to get the domain name back from its current owners.
Unfortunately, cybersquatting – i.e., registering a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else – happens all the time. Domain name disputes involving alleged bad-faith registration are typically resolved using the Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy (UDRP) process developed by the ICANN. Court systems can also be used to sort out claims of cybersquatting.